Adventuring with a little one can be overwhelming, but these practical tips for traveling with a baby will make it feel much more manageable.

After taking all types of different trips with our daughter in her first year – from National Parks to European Christmas Markets to traveling Scotland by campervan (and so much more!) – we’ve learned so much about traveling with a baby.
As she grew into a toddler, the travel didn’t slow down. In fact, we doubled down and have since traveled as a family all around the world.
While traveling with a baby or toddler certainly looks different and requires more flexibility and planning, we’re still able to do some pretty epic things. And you can too (if that’s what you want).
Traveling with our daughter has truly been life changing, and we can’t wait for you to experience this magic, too.
This article is full of practical tips, gear that is actually worth packing, and encouraging advice that will help you feel prepared and confident about traveling with a baby.
We’ll also be discussing some helpful mindsets about traveling with a baby that can transform how you think about it.
Whether you’re an experienced parent or you’re dreaming of someday traveling with a baby, we’ve got tips and advice that will help you feel confident to plan the family trip of your dreams!
Thinking about taking an adventure with your little one?
Be sure to download our complete packing list for traveling with a baby! It’s packed with good suggestions and advice for what has personally worked for us on our travels with a baby.
Whether you’re getting ready for your first ever trip with a baby, or you’re a parenting pro just looking for a few extra tips, we hope this baby travel packing list will serve you well!
Our best tips for traveling with a baby
Let’s dive into the things that have worked for us.
Scroll through them all, or jump to the sections that are most important to you:
- BUILD CONFIDENCE: Feel confident about traveling with a baby
- PLANNING: Planning your trip
- TRAVEL TIPS: Tips for while you’re on your trip
Good to know: Most of these tips are geared toward babies and toddlers (aka under 2 years old). As our daughter grows and our experiences change, we will continue creating resources based on our personal experiences.
1. Boost your confidence
Before your trip, make sure you work on your mindset and practice some skills so you are feeling prepared and confident about traveling with your little one.
I can’t emphasize enough how important this step is because it will set the tone for your travels. And your child will definitely pick up the vibes.
We’ve got all sorts of practical advice for how to prepare at home as well as some encouragement that’ll shift how you think about traveling as a family.
2. Don’t stress too much about the flight
The flight is just one (tiny) fraction of your trip. And in many cases, it will not be nearly as bad as you’re making it out to be in your head.
Think of it this way: Most people on flights have headphones in (watching movies or listening to music) and won’t even notice if your baby is being fussy.
That realization made me feel a lot better before taking our first flight with a baby! (Hopefully it helps you, too.)
We took 19 flights with our eldest daughter before she turned one, and we gathered all our top advice to create an entire guide full of tips for flying with a baby that should help ease your nerves and make you feel confident about boarding that plane!
In short: Don’t let your nerves about the flight prevent you from going!
3. Start with a trip that’s within your comfort zone
Make your first trip with a baby one that is within your comfort zone to help build your confidence before embarking on any big adventures.
Maybe this means you return to a place you’ve already been to.
Or maybe this means you travel to a country where English is the native language (or widely spoken), so you don’t have to worry about language barriers.
Make the actual trip one that doesn’t stress you out or push your boundaries too much. This way, you can focus on getting the hang of this whole traveling with a baby thang so that you can plan bigger, bolder trips for the future.
4. Pack as light as possible
This is honestly a tough one because I truly think it comes down to finding a balance between packing light and making sure you have all the essentials (many of which are really freaking bulky).
We’ve got lots of advice on the best gear for traveling with a baby, but in general, less is more. Make sure the items you’re bringing are going to be used and won’t just be dead weight.
And truly, bring as few toys as possible. You will thank me when you’re traveling around with ease because you ditched half the toys you thought you needed.
Psst! Want to know what baby gear we personally recommend? We’ve gotcha covered with our favorite baby travel gear.
5. Remember: you can get diapers everywhere in the world
Personally, I don’t stress too much about diapers because you can buy them everywhere in the world.
Bring plenty of diapers for the plane and to get you through the first several days of your trip. But if you’re going to be gone for a couple weeks (or more!), don’t stress too much about packing the perfect amount.
Just about every grocery store or convenience store should have diapers and wipes available.
If you’re having trouble finding them in your destination, ask the hotel staff to point you in the right direction.
6. Choose your accommodation wisely
Something I’ve learned is that the type of accommodation we book with a kid is much more specific than when it was just the two of us.
There are a lot of other factors to consider, and what might have been a perfectly good hotel for you could be a disaster with a babe.
Lemme tell ya, we’ve learned the hard way what doesn’t work well anymore now that we travel with a baby.
There have been a few very uncomfortable stays and even an Airbnb that we left (already paid for) because it just didn’t work with a baby.
Psst! Read our tips for choosing a hotel with baby so you don’t make the same mistakes!
7. Book places with pack ‘n plays when possible
If it’s an option, try to book hotels and Airbnbs that have a travel crib for your baby.
Many hotels and many Airbnbs offer this, so keeping it in mind when you’re making your reservations is key. This means you won’t have to travel with your own, which is a huge space saver.
Their booking details will usually disclose if they have a crib available. If you don’t see anything about a crib, it doesn’t hurt to ask. We once asked an Airbnb host if she had a crib available, and she decided to buy one so that she could offer it to future guests.
If you’re not finding any good accommodations with cribs available don’t stress too much. It’s definitely possible to bring your own.
The Guava Lotus pack ‘n play is undoubtedly the best travel one on the market. Trust me, I spent a lot of time comparing, and it’s the smallest, most durable, and made without toxic materials. So if you’re looking at buying one for travel, the Guava Lotus is what you want. (This is the one we personally have.)
Even though it is compact, it is still bulky and another item to lug around. So if you can get away with not having to pack it, that’s a big win.
Our personal experience
During our 3-week European Christmas Market Trip, we stayed at 8 different hotels/Airbnbs, and all but one had a crib available, so we decided not to bring our own. We are comfortable with co-sleeping, so we did this on the nights that we did not have a crib available.
However, there are some destinations where finding accommodation with cribs is much more difficult. For example, we’re currently planning a trip where we’re mostly staying at Airbnbs and none offer pack ‘n play, so we will be bringing our own.
8. You can rent things on vacation… (but you might not want to)
Lately I’ve seen a lot of articles and social media posts about renting baby items on vacation through platforms like BabyQuip.
In theory, it’s a great idea, and can be really useful in some situations. There’s a lot to be said for not having to lug around bulky gear, after all.
Examples of items you can rent:
- high chair if you plan on eating lots of meals at the accommodation
- bassinet or pack-and-play when your hotel does not offer this option
- car seat when it is significantly cheaper than going with one through the rental car company
- hiking baby carrier (if you have a big hike planned for on your trip)
- beach toys if you are doing an ocean vacation but don’t have or want to pack the gear
- so much more!
But here’s my word of caution…
These rentals can add up quickly, and before you know it, you might be spending hundreds of dollars. (Especially if you’re on a longer trip.)
The prices vary depending on what products you’re looking for and where you’ll be traveling, so calculate the total cost to help you determine whether this would be worthwhile service for you or not.
9. Invest in a compact stroller
One of our most-loved travel items is our compact stroller. It is one of the things we’d strongly suggest buying specifically for travel.
On our first international trip with Juniper, we lugged our normal stroller. This stroller was a hand-me-down from a friend and we love it for at home. But we quickly learned that it was an absolute beast to transport.
It was very heavy and still took up quite a bit of space even when it was collapsed.
After that trip, we bought a stroller that was made for travel. It folds up small to be able to easily fit in the overhead compartment on planes, making it a breeze for travel.
We personally love our Colugo stroller (and have brought it all over the US and the world!) and would highly recommend it as a durable and affordable travel stroller.
10. …and a solid baby carrier
Having a solid travel stroller is great, but there are places and activities where a carrier is far superior.
Here are just a couple of things to consider:
Stroller is better when:
- it’s hot out and you don’t want to baby wear
- the sidewalks are well-maintained and the streets are flat
Carrier is better when:
- you’re in a crowded place
- the sidewalks are not well-maintained (or the streets are cobblestone)
- you’ll be getting in and out of public transportation
We’ve had a lot of baby carriers, and we both agree that the Ergobaby Omni 360 is the best all-around baby carrier. It’s pricy, but lasts for a long time and is good in a variety of situations. Plus, it works for both of us to carry her, even though we have very different bodies!
11. Consider traveling in a campervan
We’re biased and this certainly won’t be for everyone, but we’ve found campervan travel to be wonderful with a baby, especially when Juniper was really young.
We had everything we needed with us at all times, and we could pull over at any minute to cook a meal, change a diaper in the comfort of our own van, or just hang out in our own private space.
In Juniper’s first year we:
- spent 4 months living and traveling in our own campervan that we built from scratch
- we rented a campervan in Scotland for a 2-week road trip (spoiler alert: it was amazing!)
- plus, we rented a campervan in Ireland for 1 week too!
If you’re renting, you’ll really want to look at the space to figure out if it will work for your family. Most campervan rental companies will be happy to help you choose. We also have a whole list of USA Campervan Rental Companies you can choose from that we personally recommend.
Traveling in a campervan with a little one certainly requires a different mindset, and I wouldn’t recommend it as your first trip with a baby if you’ve never experienced vanlife before. But I think camping can be very special with a little one and a unique way to see a destination.
And don’t leave home without our VanLife Baby Gear Checklist. These are the things we always pack in our van that make our lives so much easier and keep our baby happy.
12. Get a baby passport ASAP
If you plan on traveling internationally with your little one in their first year, we’d recommend getting the process rolling shortly after they are born so you are sure it’ll arrive in time. We applied for Juniper’s passport when she was just 3 weeks old, so it really isn’t ever too early.
This is actually very easy to obtain and we have a whole guide to getting a baby passport.
Good to know: If you have Global Entry and want to continue using it, you will also need to apply for this for your baby. We learned the hard way when we were turned away at Global Entry. “Interview” time slots fill up very quickly, so schedule this as soon as you get the passport.
13. Get travel insurance
Hopefully I don’t have to explain why here, but we get travel insurance for every trip we take.
Now that we have a baby, it feels even more important to be properly covered.
Need advice on how to go about getting the best policy for your situation? We’ve gotcha covered in this guide to choosing travel insurance.
14. Get an eSIM on international trips
If you are traveling internationally, it’s super helpful to be able to connect to cell service immediately upon landing.
This can be essential if you need to contact your transport or hotel.
We love eSIMs because you don’t have to search for a physical SIM card (a hassle) and you don’t have to pay crazy international coverage fees from your home phone service.
Our favorite eSIM is Airalo.
Psst! We have an entire guide to how to get an eSIM here.
15. Renting a car is usually a great idea
We love using public transportation on our travels, but having a rental car is a lot more convenient when you’re traveling with a baby.
You won’t need to carry around your car seat or luggage, and you can go at your own pace, making stops as frequently as you need. Plus, you won’t have to run so you don’t miss that train! (We’ve all been there.)
When in doubt, make it a road trip. And be sure to check out our tried and true 5-step plan for making your road trip a success!
Want some road trip ideas?
Here are some of our favorite road trips in the world that we think would be amazing with children:
- Iceland Road Trip
- Scotland Road Trip
- New Zealand Road Trip
- Costa Rica Road Trip
- Banff to Jasper Road Trip
- European Christmas Market Road Trip
- New England (fall foliage!) Road Trip
- Oregon Road Trip
- Washington Road Trip
16. Include family in your trips
Again, this is a tip that may not apply to everyone, but you may want to consider including family in your travel planning.
This could be an opportunity for them to create special memories with your little one, and who knows – maybe they’ll give you the gift of a “date night” while they watch baby!
You could either plan a trip together (hint: book a big Airbnb for the most comfortable stay!), or plan a trip to visit friends or family who live somewhere you’d like to explore.
We’ve been lucky enough to take trips with both Ben’s family and mine, and we’re excited to plan more extended family vacations in the future.
17. Move around less
If you’re used to moving around from place to place rather quickly on your trips, you may want to slow it down a bit (or a lot!) when you add a baby into the mix.
You’ll be able to cover much less in one day, and you’ll need to consider what you’ll do during nap times and when babe needs to go to sleep at night.
You certainly don’t need to stay in one place the entire time (though that’s not a bad idea); but trust me when I say you don’t want to move to a new place every single night.
Our rule of thumb is we aim to stay in places at least 2 nights on trips, but 3-4 nights per place is ideal, in our opinion.
(An exception to this is when we’re staying at an airport hotel the night before a flight, we only book one night.)
Psst! Read our tips for how to choose the best accommodation for traveling with a baby!
18. Get to major attractions early
Take advantage of your little one’s early wake up call (sleeping in on vacation is something I dearly miss!) and when possible, get to those popular sights before the crowds get there.
Not only will you have a better experience without all the people around, but there will be less commotion and sensory overload for babe. Plus, without all sorts of people around you may feel less self-conscious if your kiddo starts to get fussy.
19. Plan on early dinners (sometimes)
Not gonna lie, I’m a huge fan of late dinners. I like the buzzy atmosphere and I don’t usually get hungry until later in the evening.
But alas, there are many cases where it makes a lot of sense to do an earlier dinner when you’re traveling with a baby.
Popular restaurants tend to be a lot more family-friendly before the dinner rush really begins. That might mean making a 5:00 p.m. or 5:30 p.m. reservation. If you’re like me, you might be rolling your eyes, but getting there earlier means you won’t have to worry about disturbing the late-night dinner crowd with a baby that is overwhelmed by all the sights and sounds.
We don’t always stick to early dinners, but when we know a place is popular or on the fancier side (or if it’s a weekend night), we do like to go before the real dinner rush (aka sensory overload!) begins.
20. Take advantage of room service (or takeout & delivery!)
Pre-baby, this was never something I’d do, but having dinner in your hotel or Airbnb can be really convenient (especially after a long day of exploring!).
We’ve gotten takeout/delivery a handful of times on trips and either have dinner as a family, or eat once our daughter has gone to sleep. It’s can be such a treat.
Money-saving tip: If you book accommodation with a kitchen, plan on cooking at least a couple of nights during your trip.
21. Cook some of your baby’s favorite meals
When possible, I like booking accommodation with a kitchen or kitchenette so I have more control over what our daughter is eating.
We love having her try new foods on our travels, and overall she is a pretty great eater. But we’re not always able to get to a restaurant when she starts getting hungry. It’s nice to be able to whip up some easy and wholesome meals we know she likes at our Airbnb so we can carry them with us throughout the day.
22. Find out where you stand on sleep schedules
One of the most common questions people ask us is, “How do you stick to a sleep schedule while traveling with a baby.”
Our completely honest answer is: We don’t.
This may be somewhat controversial, but we realized early on that we didn’t want to be super rigid about bedtime while traveling. And we didn’t want to always need to go back to our accommodation for naptime.
This is something that has been gradually changing and adapting a bit as our daughter gets older and her needs change. But during her first year, we had a somewhat flexible bedtime and we did a lot of napping on the go.
This doesn’t mean we were hitting the town until the wee hours, but we often gave ourselves a 1-2 hour window for getting back to the hotel and getting ready for bed. We got to know her cues pretty well and used them to inform our decisions.
We also had worked on napping on the go so much that if she fell asleep while we were at dinner, we didn’t stress out. We’d enjoy our meal, head back to the hotel and transfer her into her sleeping space.
Important Note: Sleep schedules are one of the more personal topics when it comes to parenting. And we’re not saying our way is right for you. We’re simply sharing what has worked for us so you have somewhere to start.
23. Do your own research about co-sleeping
Personally, once we felt our daughter was old enough, we practiced co-sleeping every once in a while so that we could use it as a tool if needed. This has come in handy several times on trips.
Ideally, Juniper has her own sleeping space in a hotel. However, in the case that she is having a rough night, isn’t feeling well, or we’re staying in a tiny room, we can co-sleep comfortably and with peace of mind.
We’ve also used this as a tool in our campervan on occasion. She has her own crib in our van, but if she wakes up in the middle of the night, we feel comfortable bringing her into bed with us so she is comforted.
Important note: Co-sleeping is another controversial topic. Do your own research and see how you feel so you can make an informed decision for your family.
24. Help your babe adjust to different time zones
If you’ll be crossing time zones, here are 5 tips for helping your little one adjust easier:
- Start to shift bedtime 1-2 hours before you leave for your trip to get closer to your destination’s time zone.
- If it’s just 1-3 hours different from your home time zone, you may not even need to adjust at all.
- When trying to adjust to a new time zone, use outdoor activity and daylight to your advantage.
- Expect jet lag to last one day per hour time change.
- Don’t plan anything big on the first day.
Insider Tip: We like these homeopathic “No Jet Lag” pills when we’re traveling through many time zones. These are for parents (not babies), but being adjusted yourself definitely helps deal with helping your little one shift as well!
25. Book a family photo shoot
This is a fun one I wanted to throw in there just because!
Instead of booking a photoshoot at home (like many people do), connect with a local photographer on a trip for a photo session.
On our European Christmas Market Trip, we booked this photo walk last minute, and were so happy we did. With a baby, it has become more difficult to get good pictures of ourselves. (If you know, you know!)
The pictures turned out amazing, and it was such a special souvenir from our trip. You will never regret having photos taken, after all!
We’re definitely going to continue this tradition in our future travels.
Want to do it yourself? Look on Airbnb Experiences. This is where we’ve found a lot of local photographers around the world. Some cities have more options than others, but it is becoming more and more common. Alternatively, you can try to find local photographers in the city you’re visiting on Instagram. Reach out to them in a DM or via their website to book a session during your trip.
26. Plan on some personal time
This might not be advice you take on your first trip with a baby or even on your fifth. But eventually, it might be something you and your partner want to consider.
What would it look like for each of you to be able to do one experience on your own while the other spent quality one-on-one time with your child?
Maybe this would be something you used to do on trips in your pre-baby days, like going scuba diving or another adrenaline-fueled adventure. Or perhaps it would be a massage appointment to unwind.
I once did a hot air balloon flight next to Mount Rainier (babies aren’t allowed) while Ben and Juniper hung out in the campervan.
This might not appeal to everyone, but if you find yourself missing your old travel days, this might be just the thing you need!
27. You don’t need to limit yourself to only baby-centered activities
If you’re not keen on the typical baby-friendly trips or activities, like kiddie pools or zoos or chain restaurants, I’d like to pop in for a minute to remind you that travel with a baby can look however you’d like.
There’s no rule that says all your trips from here on out have to be at Disney or on kiddie-friendly cruises if that’s not your style. I know we didn’t like the idea of being relegated to only taking trips that were focused on babies from here on out.
We’ve found that while there are certainly some activities you just can’t do with a baby on vacation (scuba diving being the biggest thing we miss!), there’s a lot that you can do, even if it’s not marketed toward families.
Sometimes this means you’ll need to do more planning in advance, but in our experience it has been worth it to be able to continue traveling the way that feels best to us.
We usually research activities in our destination to determine which ones we personally really want to do. Then, unless it explicitly says children are not allowed, we think about what we’d need to do to make it work for us.
Here are some examples of what I mean:
- Some cocktail bars only allow minors until a certain time, so we will plan to go earlier.
- We pack lots of snacks and a good napping-on-the-go set up for walking tours or food tours (we’ve been on a bunch with her!).
- Sometimes we might have to take turns at an activity, like snorkeling or snowboarding, while the other watches Juniper.
- We might alter a hiking route to make it more doable with a little one.
- Often, we’ll go somewhere with the mindset that we’ll leave if Juniper isn’t doing well. More often than not, she surprises us with doing great.
- We still take public transport, but we’ll give ourselves plenty of time to get from Point A to Point B.
It kind of becomes a puzzle of: how can we still do this activity?
Don’t get me wrong – there are times we turn things down because it’s not worth it to us to make it work. But for the most part, we’ve still been able to do most of the things we really want to experience.
And we’ve been able to take some pretty epic trips that are focused on our interests (even though we have a baby):
- road trip around Scotland
- backcountry camping at Cracker Lake in Glacier National Park
- lived in our self-built campervan for 4 months
- Christmas Market hopping in Europe
As our daughter gets older and has her own interests, the way we plan trips will likely change, but up until this point, this is what has been working for us.
Overall, I’m honestly surprised by how much our trips now are similar to the things we’d be doing before having a baby.
28. Get ready for some really special interactions
Something I wasn’t prepared for before having a child is the sweet interactions it would bring to our travels.
We’ve had so many different types of encounters – from servers at restaurants falling in love with Juniper (see pictures below) to people offering to help out when she’s crabby (this has happened multiple times!).
The last photo in the set above was taken at a Venezuelan bakery in Mexico where I was eating by myself with Juniper while Ben had dental surgery. She was just the slightest bit fussy, and the two sweet women behind the counter insisted that they would cheer her up while I eat my food.
Juniper is quite the conversation starter (she loves waving at strangers!), and has brought a whole new level of sweetness to our travels.
I’m so excited to watch Juniper grow up and experience kindness from different people all over the world.
*Excuse me while I go wipe my tears.*
29. Go ahead and book those damn flights!
Here’s my last piece of advice (for now!):
Just book it!
Don’t let the voices in your head (or your well-meaning neighbor!) scare you away.
If traveling with a baby is something that’s important to you, I know you can do it. And I’ll be your cheerleader rooting you on!
The first big trip with a baby can be daunting, but I have a feeling you’ll realize it’s not as scary as you’re building it up in your head to be.
And you’ll feel like such a badass for turning your dream into reality.
You might even find yourself daydreaming about your next big family vacation, which will feel a lot more doable since you’ve already got one trip under your belt.
Want more advice for traveling as a family?
We have lots of resources on traveling with children, from newborns to toddlers. Check out our Family Travel Guide for all the answers to your most burning questions, or read some of our favorite articles below!
- Tried & True Tips for Flying with a Baby
- Practical Tips for Staying at a Hotel with a Baby (& sleeping well!)
Don’t forget to download our FREE printable packing list for traveling with a baby! Click the image below to get yours.
Save these tips on Pinterest so you don’t lose them!
We want to hear from you!
We hope these tips for traveling with a baby are helpful!
What advice would you add? Any travel hacks that have helped you? What questions or concerns do you still have?
Note: Please be respectful with your comments. Remember, we are sharing tips that have personally worked for us.
This guide is so helpful! Traveling with a baby can be tricky, but your tips make it feel doable. I love the advice on packing light. Thanks for sharing!
So happy this resonated, Amara. Packing light is definitely harder with children but almost more important, IMO!
Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experiences in such an engaging and relatable way. You’ve truly inspired me to create unforgettable memories with my baby. Keep the amazing content coming! Greetings!
Aww, so happy to hear this! It certainly seems overwhelming at first but gets easier and easier!
Insightful travel tips with baby! I loved how you addressed the importance of booster car seats and how they ensure safety while on the road. Your practical advice on traveling with little ones is invaluable, especially for parents like us. As we plan our family adventures, we’ll be sure to consider the booster seat recommendations you shared. Thanks for helping us make our trips safer and more enjoyable for our baby!
Traveling with a baby can be a challenge, but having a reliable travel cot is a game-changer. It provides comfort and security for your little one, ensuring they have a familiar place to sleep and play. Investing in a lightweight and safe travel cot is a must for any parent on the go. Thanks for highlighting its importance in your informative article!
-Baby Train-
I feel like I could tear up after reading this – what an invaluable resource! Thank you!
I have been following you both for quite a while & have been trying to implement the tips you’ve shared over the last few months. My baby is 4.5 months old & she is so chill. Maybe it’s her personality, but I also think it’s the way we’ve done things..which has a lot to do with the tips you’ve shared! She can sleep wherever. I’ve practiced changing her & feeding her in different places & she’s been to our local museums & coffee shops more times than I can count. Though I still get nervous about things (like her getting fussy in public, etc), she really makes it pretty dang easy. We’re hoping to spend a couple of months in Europe this summer, so I’ll probably be re-reading it & studying it so I can prepare us as best as possible.
Thank you again. <3
My children are older and I am still terrified of travel, I am so inspired by seeing you travel with Juniper! I am going to start being more brave!
So happy to hear this resonates. I totally get being scared – I am too hehe! Starting with small adventures near home has been so good at building our confidence and hopefully it helps you too. Wishing your family lots of memories and adventures in the years ahead!
As always, you nailed it with your advice and tips…and your honesty. I love what my father-in-law says that parenting is flying by the seat of your pants. So true! And I am a big believer that when you become a parent, you go with your gut because no one knows your kid like you do!
Juniper will grow up with a worldly perspective…what a gift you and Ben are giving her. Travel makes me joyful, too. I like what you wrote about being a better mom when you are happy…so true!
Last year my 21-yr-old daughter was so inspired by my travel blogging that she asked to take some trips with me. So we did and it was special! There is nothing better in this world than when your adult kids want to spend time with you…and in the form of travel!
What a wonderful foundation of love, adventure and joy you are building for your sweet girl.
I know this article will help a lot of traveling parents…and any negative comments you get…tune those right out! YOU are doing it right! Happy travels with your cutie pie baby girl!
Thank you so much for your kind words, Rachel. It means a lot! I bet seeing your kids grow into adults is unlike anything you can describe. And how cool that you get to share a passion with her! Thank you again!
This is amazing and such timely advice! My husband and I are due to have our first baby in May and we have been going back-and-forth about what kind of travel we want to do when he comes. This article has given me so much more confidence about the things that we can do with him and has really helped me see what is possible with a baby. Thank you so much for this! Keep the baby content coming! Your style of travel is so similar to ours and I love to see what you have done with Juniper so far!
Thank you so much, Stef, for the kind words. Truly just brought a smile to my face. So happy to know it resonates with you. And CONGRATULATIONS on this new and beautiful chapter. Wishing your family all the best!